Brand Name:SAQUELLA 1856 S.r.l
Year Established:1856
Location:Pescara, Abruzzo
Products:Caps, Pods, ground coffee, coffee whole beans
Manufacturer Certifications:BRC/IFS, ISO 9001, FDA
Health Certifications:Kosher, Organic certification
Brief About Company:
SAQUELLA 1856 is an established Italian espresso coffee producer. The Saquella family began coffee roasting in 1856, and the current business is still in the same family ownership, producing quality authentic Italian espresso that has been continually refined over the past 150 years. Our business operates on a global scale with all production being carried out at the Saquella roastery in Pescara, and represented via a network of national distributors in 47 different countries, and by our subsidiaries companies, Saquella Deutschland and Saquella UK. Saquella offers premium products distributed in Ho.re.ca channel, exclusive retail shops and premium supermarket chains.